Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Alternative Dispute Resolution Clause

Alternative Dispute Resolution Clause Free Online Research Papers Conflict in the workplace can be incredibly destructive to good team work, and If a disagreement arises out of a learning team , the starting point for dealing with this dispute is to identify the overriding conflict style employed by the team leader, the team or the organization through the following five steps: Step 1: Set the scene and make sure that the parties involved understand that the conflict may be a mutual problem, which can be resolved through discussion rather than through raw hostility. Use active listening skills to ensure you hear and understand others positions and perceptions by restating, paraphrasing, summarizing, and making sure that everyone acts and talks using an assertive approach rather than an aggressive or submissive style. Step 2: Gather information by identifying the underlying interest, needs, and concerns. Listen with empathy and ask for each persons input and confirm, and respect each others opinion. Also Identify issues clearly and concisely, remain flexible, and clarify feelings. Step 3: Agree the problem that needs to be solved because sometimes different people will see problems differently, and by reaching an understanding a common perception of the problem the team will come closer to finding a solution. Step 4: Brainstorm the possible solution by being open to all ideas including those that were never considered before because if everyone has given fair input everyone will feel satisfied with the resolution. Step 5: After completing the previous four steps negotiate a solution where both sides better understand the position of one another, and a mutual decision can be executed by all parties. Last but not least, if the disagreement cannot be settled through these steps of negotiation, the parties agree to first try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation before resorting to arbitration, litigation, or some other dispute resolution procedure. Research Papers on Alternative Dispute Resolution ClauseConflict Resolution TacticsThe Legal ProcessProject Management 101Deontological Teleological TheoriesMy Writing ExperienceMr. Obama and IranInternational PaperDistance Learning Survival GuideProbation OfficersCombating Human Trafficking

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Definition of Idiographic and Nomothetic

Definition of Idiographic and Nomothetic Idiographic and nomothetic methods represent two different approaches to understanding social life. An idiographic method focuses on individual cases or events. Ethnographers, for example, observe the minute details of everyday life to construct an overall portrait of a specific group of people or community. A nomothetic method, on the other hand, seeks to produce general statements that account for larger social patterns, which form the context of single events, individual behaviors, and experience. Sociologists who practice nomothetic research are likely to work with large survey data sets or other forms of statistical data, and to conduct quantitative statistical analysis as their method of study. Key Takeaways: Idiographic and Nomothetic Research The nomothetic approach involves trying to make generalizations about the world and understand large-scale social patterns.The idiographic approach involves trying to uncover a great deal of detailed information about a narrower subject of study.Sociologists can combine both idiographic and nomothetic approaches in order to develop a more comprehensive understanding of society. Historical Background Nineteenth century German philosopher Wilhelm Windelband, a neo-Kantian, introduced these terms and defined their distinctions.  Windelband used nomothetic to describe an approach to producing knowledge that seeks to make large-scale generalizations. This approach is common in the natural sciences, and is considered by many to be the true paradigm and goal of the scientific approach. With a nomothetic approach, one conducts careful and systemic observation and experimentation in order to derive results that can be applied more broadly outside the realm of study. We might think of them as scientific laws, or general truths that have come from social science research. In fact, we can see this approach present in the work of early German sociologist Max Weber, who wrote about the processes of creating ideal types and concepts meant to serve as general rules. On the other hand, an idiographic approach is one that is specifically focused on a particular case, place, or phenomenon. This approach is designed to derive meanings particular to the research target, and it is not necessarily designed for extrapolating generalizations. Application in Sociology Sociology is a discipline that bridges and combines these two approaches, which is akin to  the disciplines important micro/macro distinction. Sociologists study the relationships between people and society, both at the micro and macro level. People and their everyday interactions and experiences make up the micro. The macro consists of the larger patterns, trends, and social structures that make up society. In this sense, the idiographic approach often focuses on the micro, while the nomothetic approach is used to understand the macro. Methodologically speaking, this means that these two different approaches to conducting social science research also often fall along the qualitative/quantitative divide. One would typically use qualitative methods like ethnographic research, participant observation, interviews, and focus groups to conduct idiographic research. Quantitative methods such as large-scale surveys and statistical analysis of demographic or historical data would be used to conduct nomothetic research. However, many sociologists believe that the best research will combine both nomothetic and idiographic approaches, as well as both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Doing so is effective because it allows for a deep understanding of how large-scale social forces, trends, and problems influence the everyday lives of individual people. For example, if one wanted to develop a robust understanding of the many and varied effects of racism  on Black people, one would be wise to take a nomothetic approach to studying the prevalence of police killings and the health impacts of structural inequalities, among other things that can be quantified and measured in large number. But one would also be wise to conduct ethnography and interviews to understand the experiential realities and effects of living in a racist society, from the standpoint of those who experience it. Similarly, if one were conducting a sociological study of gender bias, one could combine both nomothetic and idiographic approaches. A nomothetic approach could include gathering statistics, such as the number of women in political office or data on the gender pay gap. However, researchers would be wise to also talk to women (for example, through interviews or focus groups) about their own experiences with sexism and discrimination. In other words, by combining statistics with information about the lived experiences of individuals, sociologists can develop a more comprehensive understanding of topics such as racism and sexism. Updated  by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.